Friday 14 December 2012

Its been a year and a half since my last post, so much has happened, some good and some sad. Have got a few new tattoos including a large back piece of the design opposite. Took an hour and a half and both me and the tattooist had cramp in our legs when it was finished! Additionally I have a couple of piercings to go with my tattoos. I have gotten the piercings that I had to remove when I got my hand operated on a few years back as well as a couple extra.

I'm now in third of four years at Uni, everything seems to be going OK, struggling abit on a research paper and have an assignment in that will be marked over the Christmas break, hopefully it'll be a good mark. The lectures are very different to the first two years now we're based at the Warwick campus full time. More people and less interaction than before but the whole experience so far has been good, not sure I'll feel the same at exam time!

The wee man is now two and a half, his brother is 7 and sister is 9! It makes me feel old at times, not long before she's a teenager. Hopefully she'll take after me and her teenage years will pass without incident. They're all doing well and enjoying school and nursery, the wee man hates it when we pick him up, he'd love to spend all his time at nursery, only the Goddess knows how he's going to be when the nursery is closed for Christmas and new year for a week and a half? All three of them are looking forward to Christmas, especially the gifts it brings! But what child does not look forward to presents?

I now have my husky and enjoying him immensely, love taking him out for walks and then there's scootering! It gives him a nice work out and is often accompanied by Flame, a friends dog on pulling the scooter. It goes at a reasonable pace, and except a bruised ankle and some bruised ribs the experience has been enjoyable. I even had fun when I bruised my ribs, glad I remembered the padding that day though. I would recommend people to try it, its very exhilarating!